Nowadays the gas discharges are well-studied and there are a number of application codes for plasma simulation. The key problem is that such codes are often proprietary and poorly documented. Another problem is that such codes cannot be used together due to different input/output data formats. If some plasma simulation code is not an open source one, the only way to reuse its numerical results is to write an application or script which will convert the output data to the proper format.
“Virtual Discharge” modeling environment was developed to allow users to build complicated modeling cases only with several mouse clicks by the help of simply-to-use graphical user interface. Having a chance to configure different code calculation chains and to define data convertors, a user can easily reuse third-party plasma simulation codes saving his time.
“Virtual Discharge” is developed with Java so it's a cross-platform application. Being integrated with ScopeShell data analysis and visualization integrated shell and Tadisys task distribution system it is a powerful tool for complicated plasma simulation cases, which also supports distributed computations.