Schmiedberger Josef

Tuesday 8
A. Arcs
Chair: M. Benilov, G.R. Jones - Each talk is 10'+2' duration
› 10:00 - 10:15 (15min)
› Cabannes
Hybrid Radiofrequency/Arc Plasma Jet for Generation of Singlet Oxygen
Josef Schmiedberger  1, *@  , Jan Gregor  2  , Miroslav Censký  1  , Vít Jirásek  1  , Karel Rohlena  1  , Anna Vodicková  3  
1 : Institute of Physics AS CR, v.v.i.
2 : Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i.
3 : Faculty of Bimedical Engineering CTU
* : Corresponding author

Results of research on a high-pressure hybrid radiofrequency/arc (RF/DC)
plasma jet for generation of gaseous O2(1Δ) are
presented. Our apparatus uses a fast mixing of hybrid Ar+He plasma jet of DC
electric arc sustained by an RF discharge with an injected neutral O2+He+NO
stream. A stable hybrid RF/DC discharge with a diffusive arc root near the
anode side was demonstrated experimentally. A non-equilibrium state of the arc
plasma was achieved in this way.
characteristics of this plasma jet system and its present applications are

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