Filimonova Elena

Friday 11
K. Fundamental Processes and Cross-Sections
C.M. Franck, J. De Urquijo - Each talk is 10'+2' duration
› 10:50 - 11:05 (15min)
› Blaise
Discharge effect on the chemical kinetics of negative temperature coefficient in propane-air mixture
Elena Filimonova  1@  , Valentin Bityurin  1  
1 : Joint institute for high temperatures of RAS  (JIHT RAS)
Izhorskaya st. 13, building 2, 125412, Moscow -  Russia

It is shown by modeling that the discharge activation of C3H8-air mixture brings to disappearance of negative temperature coefficient (NTC) of overall oxidation rate at low initial temperatures. The reason of this effect is discussed with a point of key reactions which provide the NTC behaviour. The relation between the determinant component and specific input energy was obtained. 

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