Maslani Alan

Thursday 10
A. Arcs
Chair: P. Robin-Jouan, A. Gleizes - Each talk is 10'+2' duration
› 11:05 - 11:20 (15min)
› Cabannes
Spectroscopic observation of diatomic molecules in plasmas generated by non-transferred electric arcs
Alan Maslani  1@  , Viktor Sember  1  
1 : Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i.

Two different arc plasma torches are used for production of thermal plasma jets. Emission spectra reveal presence of atomic and ionic species as well as different molecules in plasma. Temperatures obtained from molecular spectra agree well with atomic and ionic temperatures, with the exception of OH radical. It seems that excited OH molecules are formed and distributed different way than other molecules and OH rotational temperature cannot be used for evaluation of kinetic temperature in the jet axis.

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