Golubovskii Yurii

Monday 7
A. Arcs
Chair: Y. Tanaka - Each talk is 10'+2' duration
› 16:00 - 16:15 (15min)
› Cabannes
Effects of radiation trapping in a free-burning arc Ar plasma
Sergey Gorchakov  1@  , Margarita Baeva  1  , Yurii Golubovskii  2  , Dmitry Kalanov  2  , Dirk Uhrlandt  1  , Thomas Schoenemann  1  
1 : Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology  (INP Greifswald)  -  Website
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Felix-Hausdorff-Str 2, 17489 Greifswald -  Germany
2 : Saint-Petersburg State University
Ulyanovskaya 1, 198504 St. Petersburg -  Russia

Radiation processes play an important role for deviations from ionization equilibrium in thermal plasmas. Beside continuum radiation, the reabsorption of resonance radiation may play a role in the establishment of plasma parameters. A conventional approach to account for radiation trapping in collisional-radiative modeling is based on an effective lifetime of resonance atoms and the spontaneous transition probability for highly excited states [1].


In the present work, the impact of the spatial redistribution of resonance atoms within the plasma column of a free-burning arc in argon due to trapping of radiation is considered. The method is based on a solution of the Holstein-Bibermann equation applying a matrix method [2]. The results show significant broadening of the radial distribution and enhanced values of the density of resonance atoms close to the arc axis as compared to the effective lifetime approximation.

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